Montgomery Subaru Loves Learning

Subaru Loves Learning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subaru Loves Learning donations

Our Subaru Loves Learning Partners

Since 2021, we have proudly supported educators and students at Thelma Smiley Morris Elementary, right here in Montgomery. Every August, we participate in the Subaru Loves Learning program, which is designed to help fill the gap in providing school supplies and funds to support teachers at the beginning of the school year. Through this partnership, we have supported over 600 students and 24 classrooms.


In 2024, we partnered with Adopt-A-Classroom and adopted six classrooms by providing school supply kits and a $3,000 school supply fund for teachers to use throughout the year. Additionally, our customers and staff wrote inspirational messages to educators, which we presented to teachers on their first day of school.

Classroom of teachers holding Subaru Loves Learning donations
Map of Montgomery Subaru

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3000 Eastern Blvd, Montgomery, AL 36116


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3000 Eastern Blvd, Montgomery, AL, 36116
Montgomery Subaru 32.33959801848595, -86.22876200367952.